Frequently Asked Questions
Do the templates work for the free version of PlotSquared?
Yes our templates work with the free version of PlotSquared and the paid version.
Do you make custom roads?
Unfortunatly we do not make custom roads as a service. The process of creating custom roads can be a very time consuming process.
What happens when you merge plots?
You can take a look at our merging plots gallery here. We unfortunatly cannot modify the plot intersection's appearance when merged.
Are error messages normal when generating the plot world?
Yes it is normal. That just means your server has not responded for an amount of time. To avoid this, please have everyone disconnect from your server (including yourself) and activate the template command in your server's console.
Is it normal for my server to crash when installing a road?
Yes this is normal. This most often happens on smaller servers running any Minecraft version above 1.13. To avoid this, please have everyone disconnect from your server (including yourself) and activate the template command in your server's console.
Can the plot size be changed from the original set sizes?
Unfortunately the size of the plots can not be changed to a custom size, but we do offer multiple set plot sizes per resource.
Can I have multiple custom plot worlds within a server?
Yes you can! You can have as many plot worlds with custom roads on your server as you would like!
Can you make custom edits to my road?
Unfortunatly we do not provide custom edits to roads as a service.
Can I sell a setup with your custom plot roads?
We do offer commercial rights to setup sellers only. There is a yearly fee associated with reselling our products. Visit our commercial rights page to learn more.
Last updated